Sunday, June 4, 2017

Who is ~yesqueen~? New-Folk, poet, musician, human right's campaigner

New-Folk, poet, musician, human right's campaigner, ~ y e s q u e e n ~ was born Hook Richard on June 7, 1995, in Hastings, Victoria, Australia. While attending college, he began performing popular folk songs, and took to touring Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom shortly after graduating. ~ y e s q u e e n ~ has released a new album 'HOOK RICHARD'  via Recorder Records.

'HOOK RICHARD' is an innovative, outlook on the new digital age we are in. ~ y e s q u e e n ~ ask's you the question, do you believe 'Digital Vinyl' is the way of the future? 

Inside the new album 'HOOK RICHARD', ~ y e s q u e e n ~ will question political subject, the media role and bring forth a fresh new approach, asking the listener, do we deserve answers to the state of leadership in our time right now? What does freedom and opinion look like to you and where does music become a leader?

Early Life: born to parents Karen and Glenn Taylor; he and his younger brother Blair were raised in the community of Geelong where he graduated from St Josephs College to begin touring . Driven by the influences of pop music; Bob Dylan, Damien Rice and Passenger, he began busking in Flinders Street Station, Melbourne. He became a regular on the Australian, New Zealand and UK touring circuit, supporting established Australian acts; Hunters and Collectors, James Reyne, Josh Pyke, Carus Thompson and Jordie Lane. ~ y e s q u e e n ~ has released 5 albums and was signed to Australian record label 'Recorder Records' in March 2017.


Y e s q u e e n ~


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